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Study Club and Office Hours

One way that students can get academic support is through Study Club. Study Club runs 2:40-3:30 Monday-Thursday, three weeks out of the month. 

The teachers in each subject area hold Study Club on particular days. Teachers will also let their students know what day(s) they will be available.

Students are expected to remain in their teacher's classroom for the entire Study Club period, unless a different arrangement has been made between the teacher, student, and parent.

  • Mondays through Thursdays students can stay after school for extra help or to make up work from 2:40-3:30. They need their own transportation home.

Our office hours are Monday- Friday 7:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Our Clubs

Engineering Club- D13
Art Club- F25

D&D/ Boardgames Club- E12
Crocheting/Knitting Club- E23
Teens with a Cause- Choir Room
Neurodiversity/ Pride Alliance Club- D24

Library Club

Chess Club- D22
Debate Club- F12