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Academic Help


We're Here To Help You Learn... and like it!

Helpful links:


Note Taking Tips

Want to stay on top of your schoolwork by taking great notes? Here's how!

Notebook Organizing Tips and Tricks (You Tube)

One key to being successful in school is having a system for keeping track of your work. This video shows how you can use "post-it" notes to help.

Make Homework, Less WORK!

Tips to help you organize your approach to homework.

Organizing Schoolwork & Assignments

It's normal to sit down and wonder where to begin or to find your mind wandering as you study. But there are things you can do

to stay focused and get your work done. Here are some suggestions.

Study Hacks: Get Better Grades (You Tube)

This video gives you tips and tricks for getting better grades.

The 9 BEST Scientific Study Tips (You Tube)

Learn some easy ways to study "smarter" instead of longer.


Helpful links:


When tests make you nervous

How to be more calm and at ease during tests.

Test Anxiety

Everyone feels a little nervous and stressed before a test. And a touch of nervous anticipation can actually keep you at peak performance. But, for some people, this normal anxiety is more intense. Here are some tips.

Test-taking tips

Do you sweat, chew your pencil, feel butterflies in your stomach as your teacher hands out a test? These tips will help you avoid the test-taking jitters.

Studying for Tests

You have a history test tomorrow, a math test the next day, and a weekly vocabulary pop quiz. Don't panic. This article gives you some tips on how to study.

Helpful links:


What To Do If You Don't Like School

Everyone has a bad day at school once in a while, but some kids really don't like school. Read this article to find out more.

Getting along with your teachers

Teachers can help with more that just class work. A good relationship with a teacher toady may help you in the future. Find out how in this article.

Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities are problems that affect the brain's ability to receive, process, analyze or recall information. These problems can make it difficult for a student to learn as quickly as someone who isn't affected - but they usually have nothing to do with a person's intelligence. Read more about it here.