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How do I get homework when absent?


For students who miss school due to illness, our main concern is that they rest and regain their health. As you begin to feel better, it is a good idea to have a plan for making up missed work. In middle school, it is up to YOU to initiate that conversation and make arrangements for your work completion. Some suggestions are:

Check each teacher's Canvas.

Many teachers even provide links to assignments given in class so you can just download them and get started. It is not the same as being in class when learning takes place, but at least you can keep pace with the work being assigned

Contact a classmate.

Contact a buddy from the same class and ask about class notes, etc. that you missed while absent.

Contact your teachers.

It is important to arrange a Study Club appointment upon returning to school. Your teachers devote extra time after school Mondays-Thursdays to help students get caught up, redo assignments, make-up labs or missing work.