Family Access to Online Student Systems
There are several important systems families can use to keep track of their student's school work, grades, and other key information. Please see below for information about each program.
There are several videos available on the ESD Family Resources Site that can help you see how to connect to these programs.
If you have questions about Skyward access, please contact your student's counselor. For questions about Canvas, contact your student's teachers directly about their site. If you have questions about Securly, please contact Imran Iqbal at (425) 431-1920 or
Edmonds School District uses Skyward for all student records. All teachers post grades here. You may view your student's grades directly from the Skyward website or app on your personal device. Skyward also may be used for more than just grades. You can update contact information, pay fees & fines, add funds to a lunch account, and much more. You can access Skyward through the web via this link.
Skyward Login:
Parents, you have your own login and password separate from your student's account. If you are not sure what it is, go to the Skyward Website and click on the link to retrieve your login information. You may set up automatic email notifications for grades and attendance. To do this, log into Skyward; click in the top right corner on “My Account”; at the bottom of the page, look for “Email Notifications”; select the emails you wish to receive.
Skyward App:
Parents and students are able to access the app from their mobile devices with their regular login information. Students have their own login. These are also available in both Android and iPhone app stores.
As a parent/guardian, you will be able to create an account in Canvas to observe the progress of your student(s). Once your account is created, you will be able monitor their progress throughout each year and each class of their educational experience in Edmonds.
How do I get started?
Written Directions:
Video Tutorials:
How do I use Canvas as a Parent/Guardian?
More tutorials and information about Canvas can be found on the Canvas: Family Resource Site
Message for Families - Spanish
¡Bienvenidos al año escolar 2020-2021! Todos los maestros de los grados 3 a 12 usarán el programa de Canvas para compartir agendas semanales, materiales de aprendizaje, tareas, enlaces de Zoom (para reuniones en línea), y para comunicarse con los estudiantes.
Como padre / guardián, usted podrá crear una cuenta en Canvas para observar el progreso de su(s) estudiante(s). Después de crear su cuenta, usted podrá observar el progreso de su estudiante a lo largo de cada año y cada clase de su experiencia educativa en Edmonds. Usted usará el mismo cuento del grado 3 a 12.
¿Cómo empiezo?
Instrucciones escritas
SecURLy Parent Portal
The district has enabled the Parent Portal for student Chromebooks. This service will send weekly reports of student Internet activity through email and allow you to view more detailed information on a website. Once you receive your first weekly report (which are typically delivered on Wednesdays), you will be able to customize your settings and enter the Parent Portal by clicking on either of the “Signup” buttons.
To sign up for the SecURLy Parent Portal, follow the instructions below.
-Log in to Skyward Family Access.
-On the Home Screen, there will be a box that says, “An Online Form is now available to fill out”.
-Click on “Fill Out Online Form for Student”.
-Read the Instructions in the box and select “Next”.
-Complete the Form and select “Complete Step 1 Only” at bottom of screen and then select “Next Step” on the right of the screen.
-Select “Submit SecURLy Parent Portal”