Research Links to Databases & Websites
Library Catalog
Use the catalog to search for books in our library. You can also put books on hold when you login. Here is a link to book suggestions for our district themes each month.
Sno-Isle Library
Lots of resources are available online through your public library. All students have Sno-Isle accounts in conjunction with the Edmonds School District. Classes are show how to use SORA - an ebook and audiobook app. Here is more information or you can see Mrs. Boardman in the library for help.
Login Info: Usernames & Passwords for the following databases are available from the librarian or your teacher.
Middle School Resources for Research
Issues & Controversies Database
Science Database
U.S. History Database
World History Database
Opposing Viewpoints Database
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Ebooks on lots of subjects. Cites your sources too.
Britannica Encyclopedia
Trustworthy information. Easy to understand.
Find nonfiction articles on all kinds of topics. Student accounts are accessible through Canvas.
Last Modified on: November 8, 2024