Attendance Information
Attendance Secretary - Sarah Ragab - 425-431-4302 or email
On-time, daily attendance is key to students' academic growth. Please be sure to let us know if your student will be or has been absent.
A student's absence may be excused via a message left on the phone line above or an email to our Attendance Secretary. Absences must be excused within 48 hours upon their return to school.
Students are expected to be in class when the bell rings and will be marked tardy if they are not. When a student accumulates 4 tardies in a quarter, they will be assigned a consequence such as after-school detention. Additional tardies in the quarter will result in additional consequences.
Late Arrivals
If a student arrives late to school, but before 8:15, they will be marked tardy by their homeroom teacher. After 8:15, students go to the attendance window for an admit slip.
Students more than 15 minutes tardy to school or to an individual class are considered absent.
Early Dismissals
1. Bring note to school day of early dismissal.
2. Get early dismissal slip from attendance office.
3. Show early dismissal slip to teacher before you leave home.
During an absence, students can best keep track of what is happening in their classes by checking their teachers' Canvas pages to see if there is work they missed in class that they can complete at home. We also recommend that students continue reading while at home.
Homework Requests
After two days of absences, families are encouraged to telephone the attendance office after 8:30a.m. to request that homework be obtained and picked up the next day (third day). For the first two absences, our main concern is that our students regain their health. Upon returning to school, students are responsible for checking in with teachers in order to make up outstanding assignments and for making arrangements to see them during homeroom or study club to make up tests or labs.
If you have any questions about attendance procedures, what to do when your student is absent, please do not hesitate to call the attendance office at 425-431-4302.