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Our students are organized into houses by homeroom. Each house is made up of 7th and 8th graders, and houses earn points based on various academic and spirit competitions. The house with the most points at the end of the year will win a fun prize!

The house points will be kept updated at this link and on a bulletin board by the gym when we are back at school in person.

These are the houses by homeroom:

Purple Yellow Red Green Blue
Rath Okumus  Pugh  Sells  Keeney
Connolly  Simon  Doran  Culp  Kendrick
 Kinnear  Thomas  Stansberry  Hornaday  Fain
 Musser  Ackley  Hawkins  Dunne  Stille
 Wegener  Bostock  Kummerer  Moehrle  Howard
 Boardman  Miller  Dustin  Olsen  Healy
 O'Leary      Rengstorf